Prep: 10 mins
Cooking: 35 mins
1 Free-Range Chicken Thigh
2 Free-Range Chicken Livers (If you like them)
3 Small Potatoes (if you need the carbs)
3 Small Carrots
1 Small Onion
Homemade Hummus
Chicken Gravy
Sauerkraut (for gut health and texture!)
Coconut Oil
Sea Salt
Curry Powder
Pre-heat oven at 200 celsius.
Melt Coconut Oil in an oven tray for 5 minutes.
Add Sea Salt, Pepper and Oregano to the oil.
Cut up the Onion into pieces (not too small), and Carrots length-wise, open thigh up so it's flat, then add and smudge tcut-up veggies plus whole small potatoes and thigh in the melted and seasoned Coconut Oil.
Cook for around 20-25 minutes (cook chicken longer for a large thigh). Flip ingredients halfway through.
Lightly fry Seasoned Chicken Livers (outside darkened, inside should be red), place on plate.
Season some saerkraut and place on plate.
Make hummus or serve up pre-made one.
Add oven-baked ingredients to the plate, then pour heated Chicken Gravy over the top.
And enjoy your roast. :>