This salad is great for those looking for protein and fat without the inclusion of any animal products!
3 Cups Spinach
2 Cups Gem Lettuce (can be excluded.. Just liked the way it looked)
Bean Mix (Kidney Bean, Black Bean, Black-eyed Bean)
Nut Mix (Hazelnut, Walnut)
Milled Seed Mix (Flax, Chia, Hemp)
1/4 Aubergine
1/4 Courgette
Handful of Tomatoes
Turn on oven at around 200 Celsius. While it's warming up, thinly slice both aubergine and courgette quarters and then steam them for 5-6 minutes.
Place them in an oiled baking tray, add tomatoes and cooked beans, cover with Extra Virgin Olive Oil plus spices of choice (I go for Cumin, Turmeric, Coriander, and Paprika). Make sure to season with Sea Salt and Pepper to bring out the flavors.
Leave in oven for around 20 minutes, or, alternatively, grill if you're in a hurry!
While those are cooking, prep your bowl with Spinach and Lettuce. You have a fair bit of time to be creative...
Once the veggies are cooked to satisfaction, add them to the bowl and add the nuts and seeds.
Et voila!